The Many Academic Presentations of Cassandra Shepard Part 1

Over the course of her time in academia, Cassandra Shepard has made numerous presentations regarding her academic research. As she receives inquiries and invitations to speak from exceptional Universities and well-known organizations across the country, she continues to make her insights and research discoveries known to others in hopes of spreading knowledge and awareness in the world. Here are some of the most recent presentations she has made.

In April 2018, she presented a Climate, Infrastructure, and Emergency Powers workshop titled workshop on “Wash. Rinse. Repeat: Disaster & Settler States” at Columbia University in New York City

In October 2016, she made a presentation on “Salient as Saltwater: The Post-Colonial in Post Katrina.” at the Water and the Making of Place Conference at Princeton University.

In June 2016, Cassandra Shepard presented “A Decade after Devastation: A Critique of New Orleans’ Rebuilding Process” at Law and Society Association Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.
